"an other question is it true that you can't drink alcohol in US? what do you do during your weekend ?"
An interesting question I received as I corresponded with my future host sister. Although she will be exchanging in America (Kansas/Oklahoma region) while I am in Belgium so we won't be hanging out next year. I told her that some people have parties and drink, but that it is illegal. Then I asked her what the drinking laws in Belgium were. An interesting response, eye opening really... "for the alcohol you have to know that we can drink at every age ( if you are twelve you can go in a café and ask a beer). but every weekend there are parties near the school with music and so on but I don't go at each of them and we can drink."
Overall, a funny experience showing how much countries can differ.
I am severely agitated... I don't think that I will be capable of obtaining my visa this weekend while I am in Houston. I emailed the person in charge of everything and she said she doesn't have my final papers back from my host family and that I had to wait until then to apply for a visa. She seemed agitated herself. You don't know how many times I have emailed her about that question. :)
Andrew is back in Oklahoma. I cannot wait to give him a enormous bear hug. I love my brother.
Oh, and I have to perform in a talent show at outbound camp (The camp I MUST attend in order to go abroad, preparing me for the unexpected, I feel like a boy scout). Any ideas? Send me a comment...
Au Revoir
Hey what town is your host family in? That way when I find out I a/b mine we can see how close or far we are.
haha, this mean you're gonna drink in belgium?
When in Rome..
no way jose. I'd get sent home!
If you drink in Belgium, I will personally go there, drag you're rear home, and force you to eat Belgium waffles until your stomach is almost about to burst like that guy in Se7en (which I didn't actually see, but in Supernatural thay were talking about fighting these 7 demons that were like, or were, the seven sins, and then Dean's all "What's in the box?" and everyone just stares and he's all like "Brad Pitt?...Se7en...no?" then Sam hit him on the head with a Bible. And I didn't get the what's in the box thing, and it wasn't on TV.com because it wasn't really an allusion 'cause Dean said where he got it so I looked up Se7en and eventually found that clip from the movie on youtube. Not the fat man clip thing though. That would probably be gross.)
THEN, once you've eaten so many Belgium waffles, you won't be able to say the word Belgium without wanting to up-chuck, which means you can't ever go back, which means we don't have to worry about you going back and getting seduced by drunken 12-year-olds.
...I really can NOT control my ADD at this hour of the day...
Amanda, don't worry. I won't be drinking in Belgium. Yeah. Se7en is an interesting movie. The fat guy in it is super gross looking.
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