Monday, June 9, 2008


Let's start out with this. Spamelot was one of the most amazing esperiences I have ever witnessed (with the help of Amanda and my grandparents). If you are have the chance to go.. DO IT!
Secondly, after seeing that amazing musical I had to go to camp. The camp was at Siloam Springs, Arkansas at John Brown University. At this camp, there were 5 days of intense learning about everything I needed to know about foreign exchange. I re-met some aquaintances and met some of the coolest people who all had the same goals and ideas as me. It was awesome and I got instance friends. ALL OF WHICH WILL BE EMAILING ME THROUGHOUT OUR EXCHANGES!!!! or else... So many questions were answered, most of them ones I never thought to think. Our rotexes and counselors were really cool and real. I thank everyone for an amazing time.
Now I begin getting my visa. I also have my billet d'avion (plane ticket). I will leave August 21st and arrive in Belgium August 22nd. I know a little more about my first host family and know where I will be going to school. College Royal de Marie Therese (or something like it) will be l'ecole (the school).
I am so excited!
Alison Young


Hexi said...

Hey allison is HEXIVA
Put something about how camp was
by the way awesome blog!

Mandee said...

Okay so can you ssend me the forms the consulate made you fill out?

Brett said...


you should add my blog as well!
