Friday, August 1, 2008

sweet dreams

Last night I had a dream about Belgium. I was with my host family and I was using extremely simple sentences.
But I did get a good night's sleep!

I have my visa. Why is it that when I have to take important pictures (i.e. Passport and visa photos) I always look my worst. Walgreens needs to shape up!
Anyone else agree?


Mandee said...

Psh - Both my visa and my passport pictures were stunning lol

The lady at walgreens was all like " hollla" and I was all like " w00t"


Adam said...

I will agree to that, I looked like a demon, literally, in old passport. I had three spikes of hair on my head apparently and my face was a bit fatter. It was pretty gross :D

Mr. Stephenson said...

I have not read Crime and Punishment, but one of my friends was telling me about it on Sunday. That's quite a novel to tackle. I'm jealous of your 25 cent copy of TKaM. I found a Ned Vezzini hardback at Barnes & Noble for only $5. When do you leave for Belgium?