Thursday, August 28, 2008

This is a link for my pictures so check them out.
Dad, that was a rude comment. At least I am not as big as you, mister...

Yesterday I went to the bank with my host mom, Kathy. It didn´t go smoothly so that´s annoying. I might just exchange my money because they don´t always use credit cards here. Like when I got my cell phone, damien had to pay because they wouldn´t take debit. I think it is a pay as you go phone so I am confused. Last night I watched soccer with Damien and Julie. It´s really funny how into it Damien is and Europeans in general. He was singing sometimes and made sound effects when somebody made an almost goal. He should me his CD´s and I must admit that the bands I knew I liked!
Today has not been a busy day. I slept later than usual and then I went with Julie, Mathilde, and Francois to a Hamburger place. Mathilde and Francois are cousins that I met yesterday. So we walked to the hamburger place and I got mine with mustard and onions. For somereason there was no tomatoes or lettuce or anything. Grrr... The hamburger wasn´t fantastic and I had breakfast pretty late so I did not finish it. And it was too spicy. Bizarre. Then we walked back. So I have been hanging out mostly, did some sudoku and have been reading a book.



Anonymous said...

how do you plan on learning German from a French speaking teacher until after you are fuelnt in french? I would be very confused.

Amanda said...

Again, I agree with your father. I'm starting to get disturbed. Adults and children/teens should not agree on things too often or what would happen to all our wonderfully angsty teen shows?

How old is Damien? He seems pretty cool. Ask him his favorite three digit number. If he says THAT number fill up a water gun with holy water and call over the Frog brothers ^_~ I know they focus on vampires, but they'd make an exception I'm sure.

You know what? The MacManus brothers, the Frog brothers, and the Winchester boys, and heck even the Hardy boys, should just all get together and destroy all the worlds baddies. Why not?
MacManus can handle the real stuff. Winchesters got the unreal stuff. Frog's got the vampys (saying 'vampires' makes Dean giggle, and for someother near-eternal experiences, he really doesn't like them anymore), and the Hardy boys can do all the thinking and investigative stuff that well, to be honest, none of our other boys are really up for. (With the occasional exception of Sam Winchester. They're more the type to run in holy water guns and rock salt shells blazing). The Emerson brothers could help too I guess. But considering that Michael was once a vampire , he might not appreciate it. And having TWO little brothers named Sam might get confusing. ^_^
I really hope you were honest about liking long comments because, well, I'm a little looney when it somes to typing.
Miss you! Love you! Kisses and huuuuuuugs!

P.S. Have you ever seen any of the Friday the 13 movies? Because Jared Padaleki is starring in the remake of the 1st one (plot revised, and more realistic though), and I want to know if he has a good chance of living.

P.S.S. I looked on Wikipedia (but there were so many names I got kinda confused), and realised something funny (to me). Corey Feldman play one of the main characters one time (also played Sam in The Lost Boys), and he lived. That's kinda of funny-ly coincidental to me. Is it too you? I dunno. Ithink I'm caffinated...Uh-oh ^-^;
Byebye now! LOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooove!!!

Mr. Stephenson said...

You would think that if their hamburgers are spicy, they would at least try to cool them down with some lettuce and tomatoes. I thought Europeans were healthier eaters than Americans, but if they are leaving off vegetables from their fast food, I have my doubts. Perhaps you can clarify for me.

Also, what book are you reading?